October 11, 2015

The GOP's real cause

Some stories from our archives

100 Republicans who got $1 million from ATT urge Obama to let firm buy T-Mobile

Ohio GOP governor wants to privatize just about everything

Michigan GOP governor wants to slash business taxes by $2 billion while cutting working class services

Florida Governor Rick Scott wants to balance the budget by slashing at least $2 billion from education, and has proposed $1.7 billion in tax cuts for property owners and corporation. . . .

House Republican wants to abolish the tax code

"In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be regulated, and my view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks," -Spencer Bachus (R), incoming Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee

Senate Republicans unanimously opposed ending tax cuts for those earning over $1 million annually.

It's been kept secret until now but at a private campaign fundraiser, Sharon Angle said of Augusto Pinochet's privatizing of Social Security: "Sometimes dictators have good ideas."

Meg Whitman's plan to eliminate the capital gains tax would widen the state's budget deficit by about $5 billion, and for what? One winner would be Whitman, who would save $8-41 million during a four year term as governor.

GOP Kentucky senatorial candidate Ron Paul would like to replace the national income tax with a sales tax. To accomplish this would take about a 23% sales tax. That would be on top of state sales tax and would be a massive giveaway to the rich. For example, in California, Meg Whitman would gain hundreds of thousands of dollars while those in the bottom 20% would have to pay several thousand dollars more a year.

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